“You can never get a cup of tea large enough or a book long enough to suit me.”
I am a passionate, fanciful, bubbly wanderluster. I have a crazy love of other places, wherever they may be. I can't imagine staying in the same place the rest of my life! I worked hard as a student, graduating Summa Cum Laude from University of Houston in 3.5 years. After that, I decided to move to South Korea to gain new experiences and live life in a totally foreign country. I taught English there for 13 months. I fell in love with the people and culture. At the end of my contract, I decided it was time to head home for a little while. But, I took the long way around the globe, stopping off in Europe for a couple months. I traveled to 13 countries before finally crossing the Atlantic and hitting American soil once again. Now, I am living in Austin, Texas pursuing a career helping others find their love of travel, learning, and culture, too. This blog now documents my travels.
2012 (Seoul) |
2013 (China) |
2013 (Florence) |
2014 (Austin) |
2015 (Seoul) |